The End of Michael  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in , ,

Going into this, I knew there's a damn good reason why a man would come to the conclusion or necessity to pay a woman for companionship. In this particular case, it's because he is completely emotionally unstable and has very little emotional intelligence.

As I mentioned in my previous post, he started to be a little non-response one night, but mentioned he'd like to give me my space because I earlier said it's part of the agreement. The very next evening he's doing the same thing. I text him twice and then finally say "What's with the disappearing act, my friend?" HE FREAKS THE FUCK OUT and texts me "It's over! You're playing games with me, I don't have the time or energy for this. You disappoint me child!"


I call him several times and he just hangs up and calmly have a text-conversation with him telling him it's all been a misunderstanding and that we should rationally discuss the situation. He continues to freak out and then eventually drops off the face of the earth.

Am I disappointed? Hell yes, but in many ways I think it was bound to happen eventually. After all, he's a Cancer (I'm a spiritual gold digger, guys)and the second cusp Cancers tend to be quite emotionally unstable and are seriously susceptible to emotional outbursts. This particular outburst just cost me $23K PER MONTH!

On to the next Sugar Daddy...

This Friday I'm meeting with a mid-20's Silicon Valley tech-giant who claims to make over $400k annually. He seems super, super nice and actually fun to be around. The awkward thing is that I can actually see myself legitimately dating this person. All of our conversations have been on a purely friendly level---EXACTLY like the ones I would have if I met a guy on Not a single anything was mentioned about the fact that we met on and that we're both looking to make a deal. His profile says he's never been in such arrangement...neither have I. Not sure how to go about this.

Ladies, comments??

Brief Panic Attack  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in

Yesterday at 4:45pm I realized I have not heard from my Sugar Daddy all day. I send him a text asking how his day was. No response. Wait two more hours. Ask him if everything is ok. Again, no response. Really starting to worry now... It's Friday night and he's nowhere in sight. I had a non-sugar daddy date at 830pm with a guy from named Greg and was rather caught up with the fact that my Sugar Daddy was missing in action. I can honestly say I had a little panic attack. I even started thinking about what life would be like without him. It's funny how one person can change your entire world and circumstances beyond recognition. With him my life is 100% different. I want that life!!

The date, Greg, was nothing special. We went to a Umami, a sushi/asian fusion place in San Francisco. The food was okay, but as I said, he was nothing special. In fact, towards the end of the meal I asked him to go see the new Twilight movie, New Moon. Girls, if you EVER are serious about a guy DO NOT ask him out to a total teenage chick-flick movie. It makes him feel like a douchebag and you a needy bitch. Did I care about this guy? No. So we went to see the last showing of New Moon---a 2 and a half hour long movie. I freaking loved it!! Amazing movie, totally for the semi-depressed girls that I kind of relate to.

When we got out of the movie, still no missed calls or texts from Sugar Daddy. I walked out the theater feeling positive that he met someone else and was phasing me out.

By the time I woke up this morning I didn't give a shit about playing hard to get, and just called him. It rang all the way through to voicemail. I felt crushed. Didn't leave a message and just hung up with a deep defeated feeling. I just wanted to feel better....maybe make a trip to Whole Foods and pick up a pumpkin pie that is surely on sale, given it's 2 days past Thanksgiving.

An hour later, I finally heard from him with a Good Morning. I didn't respond. Two hours later he texted saying "Miss you. Hows your day going?". I sent him a picture message of me lounging around in bed in sexy panties. This got him hooked! A few text-conversations later he says "I hope you notice. I have been trying not to bug you when I know your out." I told him he's not "bugging" me and that I like hearing from him.

Still not sure what to quite make of it all... This is typical me behavior and over-reaction though. It's not uncommon for me to freak out when I don't hear from a man for over 12 hours. Guess I'm high-maintenance.

Could it really be he's Mr. Right?  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in ,

Let me begin by saying I'm in total awe. We just had an hour long chat tonight about the arrangement, likes/dislikes, personality traits, what we see in our future, etc. We are both so twisted and we are seriously a perfect match. It literally feels like my best friend picked out a man for me---that's how well we match. The best part is, he totally wants me to dominate and call all the shots. He wants to get married, wants children if the person he's with wants them. I told him I'd like to have children and he flat out asked me if I would have his children. Of course, I said yes.

The plan right now is for us to meet in Washington, where he lives, around the second week of December. He said he'll fly me out, put me up in a nice hotel for a few days, and if I'd like I can come stay with him at his house. Our first real-life meeting will be over dinner. I'm in awe, guys. Really! He's super excited about me and how I'm very determined in life, loves how I look and my personality.

I've only seen one photo of him that he says is about six years old. I'm definitely okay with how he looks, he's white, tall and in shape---that's all I care about.

Your neighbor is Bill Gates?!  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in , , , ,

For the past couple of years I have been considering being a high class escort or sugar baby, but have never quite pulled the trigger when the time came to do the deed. The moral part of it doesn't bother me. I've simply been waiting for someone I truly want to sell myself to. Hmmm looks a lot dirtier in text than it sounds in my head. I kind of like it.

A couple of days ago I signed up for and They're sister sites but have a slightly different niche. The site is if you're trying to marry a millionaire, and if you ask me, the guys on there are primarily all douchebags. Even more so than you would probably expect!
The site has some incredible men (net worth over $50mil) and some guys who make under $100k a year (what the fuck is that about?!). Basically you just have to weed out the trash.
Before putting up my profile I browsed around to look at both the men AND the women (other sugar babies). All of the women were pretty much the same--fake boobs, tattoos, heavy make-up and very weird photos. It immediately became clear to me that I would be a hit on this website because of one reason--I'm NOT like them! Yes, I'm blonde and petite, but I'm barely a B cup, wear very little make-up, have an actual career (if I haven't mentioned this yet, I'm an internet entrepreneur), and most importantly--present myself (outside this blog) with perfect class, demure demeanor and elegant as can be. Not at all like the girls on the website!

Sure enough, I was right! Within 24 hours I had a dozen very, very nice emails from oh-so-wealthy men! Then...JACKPOT!! A white, non-ugly 41 year old man from Washington emailed me saying he's interested in getting to know me. I checked out his profile and was amazed--this guy was offering $10k-$20k PER MONTH for the right girl! We briefly talked over email, then he gave me his number and said to call him after 9pm. Around 9:45pm I finally gather the courage to pick up the phone. A deep, exhausted voice answers and somehow I'm already turned on. He asks me a few questions about my life, I ask him a few about his, we chat for about 30 minutes and then he says he's extremely interested and asks me what my desired monthly allowance should be. I freeze up. I've always had a difficult time talking about money---let alone (sort of illegally) asking for it! I tell him $15k/month just to play it safe. He says "Done." and begins telling me about the arrangement. Basically I would be seeing him 5-7 nights a month and he would be flying me out all across the country wherever his business meetings happen to be. He will hire me as a consultant for his company so that the transaction of money is legal. He mentions that every six months we'll sit down and draw up a contract in order to extend the "employment". Very, very interesting! He says he'd like our first meeting to be in Boston sometime in December. Then he asks me to send him as many recent photos of myself as I can so that he knows I'm not just some photoshopped bimbo. We say goodnight and I promise to email him the photos.

I spend the next 15 minutes going through all the photos on my facebook account, trying to pick out the best ones. Finally I got about 15 good ones so I send them off to him not really knowing what to expect. I mean I'm not a supermodel--I'm cute, I'm pretty, but I wouldn't say I'm stunning.

Within 5 minutes of sending the photos I get a text from him saying:
"Wow. Thank you. You just made Boston a lot longer trip."

I playfully respond to his text thinking this would be the last one. But no, he continues to text. He then tells me to call him again. He said that I'm exactly what he's been looking for and is ready to match any offer I have. On a whim I just thought of $23k/month and he said he'll gladly match it. WOW. He said he's really looking for something long-term and exclusive. I'd have to go to many black tie events with him and have to mingle among societies elite. Oh, and his neighbor is Bill Gates.


For Love or Money?  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in , , , ,

I simply do not understand how people can be with someone solely for an emotional state of being? I see mediocre guys with adorable, bubbly girlfriends all the time and wonder--why can do so much better! I'm not saying I can be with someone only for the money--the emotional connection needs to be there too--but I can't develop even an ounce of love, compassion or sexual attraction if the guy isn't wealthy (makes over $250k annually).

Actually, that's not true, in early 2009 I went on a 20-something's tour of South East Asia and ended up blowing one of the guys on the trip---and not only was he pretty broke, but he was also younger than me. That British bloke's accent stirred something crazy deep inside me! I couldn't bring myself to have sex with me, but he was a mighty fine Prince Charles!
Oh, wait, I remember why we didn't sleep together. He had a small penis. There was only a week left of the trip and adding him and his small penis to the number of my sex partners didn't seem worth-it.

Money really is the #1 thing I look for in a man. If the guy above was loaded with more than just his parents retirement account, I would probably have slept with him.

Let me make something clear--when I sleep with a man, I think about his money before, during, and after sex. As I'm grinding on him in bed, I am literally thinking about his checking and savings account. That is what drives me and makes me wet. Fucked up? Don't know. Does it work for me? Absolutely!

In the past 4 years I have been in 3 serious relationships, and have been proposed to twice.

The first guy I dated, John, was in hindsight freaking incredible. Great sex, very wealthy, very fun, paid for everything (except my clothing which at the time drove me freaking nuts!!!). We were on-again, off-again for about two years--lived together for one of those. Eventually, I got bored of him and decided he's a frugal bastard who picks his nose and puts his feet up on the coffee table. As you can see, I'm picky, shallow and get grossed out by many, many things--including bad manners!

The second was Kevin, a guy I met right after dating John. Kevin was amazing at first (incredibly intelligent [unlike Eric], wealthy, ambitious, creative, etc.), but ended up being quite emotionally unstable. Lets just say he decided to break off the wedding about three months before the wedding date. I pretty much consider that being left at the altar. I really thought I was going to marry this person. After all, realistically, that's all I really want. Well, that and money!

The third, Aaron, was a man I met at work. He actually interviewed me hahaha.... Lets just say I got the job. Unlike the others, he was not a millionaire--he was just very successful, but in the first time in my life I actually felt like I could love him for him--not his money. Aaron is an ex-husband of a cheating ex-wife and has serious emotional issues. By the way, do you see pattern in people I'm dating?? He didn't want to get married, so I had to say...


Welcome to my world  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in ,

I'm a single, 22 year old woman living in the beautiful suburbs of San Francisco. I have a rich cultural heritage, an intricate personality and have what is considered an extremely refined taste.

For those of you who dissect peoples character through their childhood like I do, let me just say that my parents are divorced but still play a very active roll in my life. My father had an affair after 13 years of being married to my mom and left my family for the woman he is now married to. It's been over a decade since my parents' divorce, and I can honestly say they're better people for the lives they chose to lead and the sacrifices they had to make. They've both grown tremendously and I am more proud of my mom than ever before.

Regardless, we all know divorces leave childhood scars and emotional trauma. I'm not going to argue that. In fact, this blog is the manifestation of my wealthy father, him marrying an older woman, and rationalizing the world through metaphysics and other spiritual concepts.