The End of Michael  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in , ,

Going into this, I knew there's a damn good reason why a man would come to the conclusion or necessity to pay a woman for companionship. In this particular case, it's because he is completely emotionally unstable and has very little emotional intelligence.

As I mentioned in my previous post, he started to be a little non-response one night, but mentioned he'd like to give me my space because I earlier said it's part of the agreement. The very next evening he's doing the same thing. I text him twice and then finally say "What's with the disappearing act, my friend?" HE FREAKS THE FUCK OUT and texts me "It's over! You're playing games with me, I don't have the time or energy for this. You disappoint me child!"


I call him several times and he just hangs up and calmly have a text-conversation with him telling him it's all been a misunderstanding and that we should rationally discuss the situation. He continues to freak out and then eventually drops off the face of the earth.

Am I disappointed? Hell yes, but in many ways I think it was bound to happen eventually. After all, he's a Cancer (I'm a spiritual gold digger, guys)and the second cusp Cancers tend to be quite emotionally unstable and are seriously susceptible to emotional outbursts. This particular outburst just cost me $23K PER MONTH!

On to the next Sugar Daddy...

This Friday I'm meeting with a mid-20's Silicon Valley tech-giant who claims to make over $400k annually. He seems super, super nice and actually fun to be around. The awkward thing is that I can actually see myself legitimately dating this person. All of our conversations have been on a purely friendly level---EXACTLY like the ones I would have if I met a guy on Not a single anything was mentioned about the fact that we met on and that we're both looking to make a deal. His profile says he's never been in such arrangement...neither have I. Not sure how to go about this.

Ladies, comments??

This entry was posted on Nov 30, 2009 at Monday, November 30, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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