Your neighbor is Bill Gates?!  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in , , , ,

For the past couple of years I have been considering being a high class escort or sugar baby, but have never quite pulled the trigger when the time came to do the deed. The moral part of it doesn't bother me. I've simply been waiting for someone I truly want to sell myself to. Hmmm looks a lot dirtier in text than it sounds in my head. I kind of like it.

A couple of days ago I signed up for and They're sister sites but have a slightly different niche. The site is if you're trying to marry a millionaire, and if you ask me, the guys on there are primarily all douchebags. Even more so than you would probably expect!
The site has some incredible men (net worth over $50mil) and some guys who make under $100k a year (what the fuck is that about?!). Basically you just have to weed out the trash.
Before putting up my profile I browsed around to look at both the men AND the women (other sugar babies). All of the women were pretty much the same--fake boobs, tattoos, heavy make-up and very weird photos. It immediately became clear to me that I would be a hit on this website because of one reason--I'm NOT like them! Yes, I'm blonde and petite, but I'm barely a B cup, wear very little make-up, have an actual career (if I haven't mentioned this yet, I'm an internet entrepreneur), and most importantly--present myself (outside this blog) with perfect class, demure demeanor and elegant as can be. Not at all like the girls on the website!

Sure enough, I was right! Within 24 hours I had a dozen very, very nice emails from oh-so-wealthy men! Then...JACKPOT!! A white, non-ugly 41 year old man from Washington emailed me saying he's interested in getting to know me. I checked out his profile and was amazed--this guy was offering $10k-$20k PER MONTH for the right girl! We briefly talked over email, then he gave me his number and said to call him after 9pm. Around 9:45pm I finally gather the courage to pick up the phone. A deep, exhausted voice answers and somehow I'm already turned on. He asks me a few questions about my life, I ask him a few about his, we chat for about 30 minutes and then he says he's extremely interested and asks me what my desired monthly allowance should be. I freeze up. I've always had a difficult time talking about money---let alone (sort of illegally) asking for it! I tell him $15k/month just to play it safe. He says "Done." and begins telling me about the arrangement. Basically I would be seeing him 5-7 nights a month and he would be flying me out all across the country wherever his business meetings happen to be. He will hire me as a consultant for his company so that the transaction of money is legal. He mentions that every six months we'll sit down and draw up a contract in order to extend the "employment". Very, very interesting! He says he'd like our first meeting to be in Boston sometime in December. Then he asks me to send him as many recent photos of myself as I can so that he knows I'm not just some photoshopped bimbo. We say goodnight and I promise to email him the photos.

I spend the next 15 minutes going through all the photos on my facebook account, trying to pick out the best ones. Finally I got about 15 good ones so I send them off to him not really knowing what to expect. I mean I'm not a supermodel--I'm cute, I'm pretty, but I wouldn't say I'm stunning.

Within 5 minutes of sending the photos I get a text from him saying:
"Wow. Thank you. You just made Boston a lot longer trip."

I playfully respond to his text thinking this would be the last one. But no, he continues to text. He then tells me to call him again. He said that I'm exactly what he's been looking for and is ready to match any offer I have. On a whim I just thought of $23k/month and he said he'll gladly match it. WOW. He said he's really looking for something long-term and exclusive. I'd have to go to many black tie events with him and have to mingle among societies elite. Oh, and his neighbor is Bill Gates.


This entry was posted on Nov 20, 2009 at Friday, November 20, 2009 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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