Brief Panic Attack  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in

Yesterday at 4:45pm I realized I have not heard from my Sugar Daddy all day. I send him a text asking how his day was. No response. Wait two more hours. Ask him if everything is ok. Again, no response. Really starting to worry now... It's Friday night and he's nowhere in sight. I had a non-sugar daddy date at 830pm with a guy from named Greg and was rather caught up with the fact that my Sugar Daddy was missing in action. I can honestly say I had a little panic attack. I even started thinking about what life would be like without him. It's funny how one person can change your entire world and circumstances beyond recognition. With him my life is 100% different. I want that life!!

The date, Greg, was nothing special. We went to a Umami, a sushi/asian fusion place in San Francisco. The food was okay, but as I said, he was nothing special. In fact, towards the end of the meal I asked him to go see the new Twilight movie, New Moon. Girls, if you EVER are serious about a guy DO NOT ask him out to a total teenage chick-flick movie. It makes him feel like a douchebag and you a needy bitch. Did I care about this guy? No. So we went to see the last showing of New Moon---a 2 and a half hour long movie. I freaking loved it!! Amazing movie, totally for the semi-depressed girls that I kind of relate to.

When we got out of the movie, still no missed calls or texts from Sugar Daddy. I walked out the theater feeling positive that he met someone else and was phasing me out.

By the time I woke up this morning I didn't give a shit about playing hard to get, and just called him. It rang all the way through to voicemail. I felt crushed. Didn't leave a message and just hung up with a deep defeated feeling. I just wanted to feel better....maybe make a trip to Whole Foods and pick up a pumpkin pie that is surely on sale, given it's 2 days past Thanksgiving.

An hour later, I finally heard from him with a Good Morning. I didn't respond. Two hours later he texted saying "Miss you. Hows your day going?". I sent him a picture message of me lounging around in bed in sexy panties. This got him hooked! A few text-conversations later he says "I hope you notice. I have been trying not to bug you when I know your out." I told him he's not "bugging" me and that I like hearing from him.

Still not sure what to quite make of it all... This is typical me behavior and over-reaction though. It's not uncommon for me to freak out when I don't hear from a man for over 12 hours. Guess I'm high-maintenance.

This entry was posted on Nov 28, 2009 at Saturday, November 28, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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