For Love or Money?  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in , , , ,

I simply do not understand how people can be with someone solely for an emotional state of being? I see mediocre guys with adorable, bubbly girlfriends all the time and wonder--why can do so much better! I'm not saying I can be with someone only for the money--the emotional connection needs to be there too--but I can't develop even an ounce of love, compassion or sexual attraction if the guy isn't wealthy (makes over $250k annually).

Actually, that's not true, in early 2009 I went on a 20-something's tour of South East Asia and ended up blowing one of the guys on the trip---and not only was he pretty broke, but he was also younger than me. That British bloke's accent stirred something crazy deep inside me! I couldn't bring myself to have sex with me, but he was a mighty fine Prince Charles!
Oh, wait, I remember why we didn't sleep together. He had a small penis. There was only a week left of the trip and adding him and his small penis to the number of my sex partners didn't seem worth-it.

Money really is the #1 thing I look for in a man. If the guy above was loaded with more than just his parents retirement account, I would probably have slept with him.

Let me make something clear--when I sleep with a man, I think about his money before, during, and after sex. As I'm grinding on him in bed, I am literally thinking about his checking and savings account. That is what drives me and makes me wet. Fucked up? Don't know. Does it work for me? Absolutely!

In the past 4 years I have been in 3 serious relationships, and have been proposed to twice.

The first guy I dated, John, was in hindsight freaking incredible. Great sex, very wealthy, very fun, paid for everything (except my clothing which at the time drove me freaking nuts!!!). We were on-again, off-again for about two years--lived together for one of those. Eventually, I got bored of him and decided he's a frugal bastard who picks his nose and puts his feet up on the coffee table. As you can see, I'm picky, shallow and get grossed out by many, many things--including bad manners!

The second was Kevin, a guy I met right after dating John. Kevin was amazing at first (incredibly intelligent [unlike Eric], wealthy, ambitious, creative, etc.), but ended up being quite emotionally unstable. Lets just say he decided to break off the wedding about three months before the wedding date. I pretty much consider that being left at the altar. I really thought I was going to marry this person. After all, realistically, that's all I really want. Well, that and money!

The third, Aaron, was a man I met at work. He actually interviewed me hahaha.... Lets just say I got the job. Unlike the others, he was not a millionaire--he was just very successful, but in the first time in my life I actually felt like I could love him for him--not his money. Aaron is an ex-husband of a cheating ex-wife and has serious emotional issues. By the way, do you see pattern in people I'm dating?? He didn't want to get married, so I had to say...


This entry was posted on Nov 18, 2009 at Wednesday, November 18, 2009 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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