Could it really be he's Mr. Right?  

Posted by The Spiritual Gold Digger in ,

Let me begin by saying I'm in total awe. We just had an hour long chat tonight about the arrangement, likes/dislikes, personality traits, what we see in our future, etc. We are both so twisted and we are seriously a perfect match. It literally feels like my best friend picked out a man for me---that's how well we match. The best part is, he totally wants me to dominate and call all the shots. He wants to get married, wants children if the person he's with wants them. I told him I'd like to have children and he flat out asked me if I would have his children. Of course, I said yes.

The plan right now is for us to meet in Washington, where he lives, around the second week of December. He said he'll fly me out, put me up in a nice hotel for a few days, and if I'd like I can come stay with him at his house. Our first real-life meeting will be over dinner. I'm in awe, guys. Really! He's super excited about me and how I'm very determined in life, loves how I look and my personality.

I've only seen one photo of him that he says is about six years old. I'm definitely okay with how he looks, he's white, tall and in shape---that's all I care about.

This entry was posted on Nov 24, 2009 at Tuesday, November 24, 2009 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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